An ambitious Sustainable Development approach at the core of SELECTIRENTE’s DNA

SELECTIRENTE is strengthening its commitments in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Reflecting the Company’s awareness of these issues and the demanding work it has undertaken on the three Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) pillars for many years, its sustainable development commitments are the benchmark for its responsible and sustainable management and address all of its stakeholders: the Company’s directors, investors, shareholders, tenants and all of the Company’s service providers.

« The diversity of local retail is recognised as essential to virtuous local economic development.

Our sustainable development commitments, whether social, environmental or governance, reflect what is ultimately an important part of our DNA, namely, the idea we have of our business as a responsible real estate company, which supports the activity of city centres and, above all, wishes to actively contribute to meeting the major challenges of today and tomorrow. »

Jérôme Descamps, Chairman of SELECTIRENTE Gestion

E, S, G : Three pillars on which companies must now base their model.

Environmental, Social and Governance criteria are integrated into the Company’s management policy, from the selection of assets to their long-term valuation, as well as in their day-to-day operations.

Faced with the climate emergency, we all have a role to play, a contribution to make. SELECTIRENTE has understood this and decided to deploy a strategy that is commensurate with the challenges.

Thus, at SELECTIRENTE, diversification of local retail is recognised as essential to virtuous local economic development. This diversification policy, which is an integral part of the Company’s DNA, reflects a concrete approach to supporting retailers and is the “S” pillar of the Company’s ESG strategy.

Its ESG practices are part of a continuous improvement process, illustrated by the ESG objectives that SELECTIRENTE has set itself. As most of these objectives do not have a deadline to be achieved, their monitoring will be published annually in its Universal Registration Document (URD). SELECTIRENTE was awarded a double EPRA Award in September 2024, receiving both the sBPR Bronze and the Most Improved Award.

Environmental: Commitment to an environmentally-friendly activity

Aware of environmental issues, SELECTIRENTE regularly monitors its energy consumption, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the effects of climate change in order to implement appropriate action plans.

Our commitments
  1. 1. Monitoring and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and energy consumption of assets aiming to :
    • carry out an annual carbon assessment and defining an emissions reduction plan
    • monitor energy consumption on 100% of assets and define a reduction plan
  2. Working to improve the quality of waste sorting and sustainable water management, aiming to have 100% of our tenants aware of this via the eco-guides annexed to the leases
  3. Analysing the climate risks of assets to improve their resilience aiming to analyse these risks on 100% of the assets at acquisition, and annually on the existing portfolio.

Current key figures

1 carbon assessment carried out annually : 20 kg eq CO2/m2 in 2023
Climate risks analysed for 100% of assets

Social : Promoting the economic development of city centres

As the only publicly traded French real estate company that primarily owns city-centre high-street retail spaces, SELECTIRENTE is dedicated to serving urban populations and local communities. Through the nature of its assets, it is committed to promoting local businesses and actively contributing to the diversity of the local economic landscape.

Our commitments
  1. Working to develop dynamic city centres aiming to maintain the share of local retail above 80% of the total number of assets
  2. Participating in the diversification of local retail for activities that contribute to society aiming to reach 50% of the number of assets whose activity contributes or primarily contributes to society
  3. Continuing to invest in assets close to environmentally-friendly mobility solutions aiming to maintain at over 95% of the total portfolio the number of assets within 500 metres of :
    • public transport and/or
    • access to soft mobility and/or
    • electric vehicle charging stations

Current key figures

By the end of 2023, 57% of tenants' activities were considered contributory or particularly contributory to society(1)
A very large majority of assets located less than 500 metres from public transport

1 SELECTIRENTE defines activites that contribute to society as thos resposible for distributing essential goods and services to citizens and promoting local economic dynamism (health, culture, education, food, leisure, etc.)
Activities in the food sector, personal services, local services and temporary employment agencies are considered as contributing activities.
Health, education, organic and/or local activities, nurseries, general interest associations, public and cultural services as well as social reintegration are considered as primarily contributing.
These definitions were approved by an AFNOR auditor.

Gouvernance : making ESG issues intrinsic to the governance policy

As a listed company, SELECTIRENTE already follows a strict governance and business ethics framework. It has adopted the MIDDLENEXT Code and strives to follow best practice in corporate governance. ESG issues are an integral part of SELECTIRENTE’s governance policy and break down into various commitments. Employees and stakeholders are fully involved in the process and continuously trained on these issues. Transparency is at the heart of its approach, with its financial communication even receiving the EPRA BPR Gold Award in September 2023.

Our commitments
  1. Integrating ESG issues into investment and tenant choices aiming to analyse 100% of pre-investment phase and existing assets according to an ESG grid incorporating an exclusion policy in the choice of tenants
  2. Engaging stakeholders in our ESG approach aiming to add an environmental annex to 100% of new leases signed and providing an eco-guide for 100% of new leases
  3. Integrating ESG issues into HR processes aiming to train 100% of employees in ESG issues, and systematically indexing a portion of the variable compensation of 100% of employees to ESG criteria
  4. Maintaining an ESG risk management policy aiming to carry out and update the ESG risk mapping annually

Current key figures

100% of newly acquired assets are analysed according to an ESG grid
SELECTIRENTE distributes an eco-guide to 100% of its new tenants

Our sustainable development commitments

SELECTIRENTE aims to be a leading player in sustainable development and bring its own vision to its areas of expertise. Thus, in its sustainable development commitments, the Company is defining an ambitious approach with precise and quantifiable objectives covering the following major points:

Maintaining the share of local retail above 80% of the total number of assets

The number of assets whose activity contributes(1) or primarily contributes to society reaching 50%

100% of tenants made aware via eco-guides

Carrying out an annual carbon assessment and defining a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Monitoring energy consumption on 100% of assets and defining a reduction plan

Maintaining at more than 95% of the total portfolio the number of assrts less than 500 meters from public transport and/or access to soft mobility

Analysing climate risks on 100% of assets at acquisition and annually on the existing portfolio

Analysing 100% of pre-investment phase and existing assets according to an ESG grid incorporating an exclusion policy in the choice of tenants

Adding an environmental annex to 100% of new leases signed

100% of employees trained in ESG issues

Systematic indexation of a portion of the variable compensation of 100% of employees to ESG criteria

Conducting and updating the ESG risk mapping annually

1 SELECTIRENTE defines activities that contribute to society as those responsible for distributing essential goods and services to citizens and promoting local economic dynamism (health, culture, education, food, leisure, etc.).
Activities in the food sector, personal services, local services and temporary employment agencies are considered as contributing activities.
Health, education, organic and/or local activities, nurseries, general interest associations, public and cultural services as well as social reintegration are considered as primarily contributing.
These definitions were approved by an AFNOR auditor.

Ethical practices

SELECTIRENTE is committed to regional and societal issues and has made a number of commitments based on good practice for its stakeholders and itself.
Thanks to our internal ethics charter, 100% of the employees of SELECTIRENTE GESTION, the manager of SELECTIRENTE, are committed to anti-corruption.

SELECTIRENTE holds assets in the commercial heart of towns and cities; our stakeholder ecosystem must be just as vibrant. Our non-executive directors, SELECTIRENTE GESTION employees, our clients, our suppliers and our many service providers are all men and women who share the same desire: to act with us on behalf of humanity, the planet and our portfolio.

A team mobilised at all levels of SELECTIRENTE and its manager SELECTIRENTE GESTION
  • Sustainable development is central to each of our business lines, particularly in property and asset management
  • 100% of SELECTIRENTE GESTION employees took part in creative and awareness-raising workshops on global warming in 2023
  • 100% of new tenants receive an “eco-guide”, a guide to good environmental practices designed to promote eco-responsible daily behaviour and to achieve energy savings through getting occupants involved
  • Each employee benefits from tools and training on sustainable development
Stakeholder engagement policy

In 2023, SELECTIRENTE established a Stakeholder Engagement Policy intended to describe the policy of engagement with those stakeholders with whom SELECTIRENTE interacts on an ongoing basis in order to achieve its overall and specific objectives.

Responsible suppliers

In 2023, SELECTIRENTE set up a “Responsible Suppliers” Charter by which it imposes on its service providers its own CSR commitments.

The purpose of this charter is to both set out the expectations of SELECTIRENTE and its manager SELECTIRENTE GESTION with regard to its suppliers and subcontractors and implement a continuous progress approach with regard to thei suppliers and, in particular, the Very Small Enterprises (VSEs) and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).